planning your future funeral today
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planning your future funeral today

Do you know what will happen to you if you were to suddenly pass away today? What would your family go through? How would they handle the news and get all of the arrangements made for your funeral? You can control the situation even after you pass away if you take the time to pre-plan your own funeral. More people are taking the initiative and making all of their own funeral arrangements years in advance. The purpose of my blog is to help those who want to plan their own funerals get through it quickly, easily and knowing that their investment is protected for the future.

planning your future funeral today

Why Do People Choose Cremation?

Stacy Carpenter

Many people don't give much thought to what they'd like done with their remains after death. However, this rapidly becomes a pressing concern for the family members left behind. If possible, you should spend some time to think the question through. Deciding what you'd like done with your body postmortem will allow you to make preparations ahead of time. Cremation is a popular choice for good reason. Here are just four reasons cremation makes sense:

1. Cremation can reduce burial anxiety.

Thinking about your own death is never easy. There is a natural anxiety that comes with the thought of ceasing to exist. Some people have additional fears about what will happen to their bodies after death. The idea of slowly decomposing in the ground may be upsetting and disgusting to some. If you have fears regarding burial, embalming, or decay, cremation can reduce your anxiety. Cremation is a quick and clean process. If you choose cremation, you can opt out of burial.

2. Cremation can ease the pain of separation after death.

When a loved one dies, close family and friends spend time mourning. It's never easy to lose someone. However, cremation services can make the separation a little easier. Some people find comfort in storing the ashes of their loved one. Keeping ashes in the house can make people feel like there is still a piece of their loved one nearby. For some, this eases the grieving process.

3. Cremation is the most inexpensive option.

When choosing funeral services, cost is always a factor. Many people are surprised by the price tag that comes with common funeral home services such as burial and embalming. The availability of cremation can be a huge relief for people with a tight budget. Cremation is the most inexpensive option for honoring the remains of a loved one. Direct cremation is a fast process that means the funeral home receives remains directly from the coroner. When direct cremation is chosen, the body is cremated in a short time frame that doesn't allow decomposition to begin. This means embalming can be skipped, saving you or your family hundreds of dollars.

4. Cremation services can include your family.

Following a death in the family, some people seek connection with their loved ones. Participating in the cremation process can bring some people peace. Your family may choose to be present for the cremation process, which usually takes around an hour and a half. Promoting family bonding during this time can be helpful for survivors.
