planning your future funeral today
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planning your future funeral today

Do you know what will happen to you if you were to suddenly pass away today? What would your family go through? How would they handle the news and get all of the arrangements made for your funeral? You can control the situation even after you pass away if you take the time to pre-plan your own funeral. More people are taking the initiative and making all of their own funeral arrangements years in advance. The purpose of my blog is to help those who want to plan their own funerals get through it quickly, easily and knowing that their investment is protected for the future.

planning your future funeral today

Ways To Decide Whether You Want A Burial To Be Public Or Private

Stacy Carpenter

Following the passing of a family member, you'll be busy arranging the funeral service and the burial. In most cases, funeral services are widely advertised and are thus open to anyone who wishes to be in attendance to support your family. As far as the burial service goes, you have the choice of making it public or private. If the service is public, it might take place soon after the funeral service — perhaps even with a procession of vehicles that travels from the funeral home to the cemetery. You can have a private burial anytime you'd like; if this is the case, the private nature of the event will be emphasized at the funeral service and in the obituary. Here are some ways to decide which approach is best for your family.

Popularity Of The Deceased

If your deceased loved one was a popular person with connections in many areas, you can expect the funeral service to be widely attended. If you have the burial open to the public, it's probable that a lot of the people will attend. There can be pros and cons to this situation. With a large attendance, it's nice to feel supported, but some people may be positioned so far away from the gravesite that they have trouble following what's going on. In such a scenario, a private burial might be more appealing — but you'll need to evaluate whether this will upset some people.

Emotional State Of The Family

You should also weigh the emotional state of the family. The funeral can be challenging enough for a family that is in deep grief, but the burial can often be more upsetting as the person's casket is laid to rest. If the family, including yourself, will likely find this part a real challenge, it might wish to be supported by people at a public service. Conversely, some families would prefer to just be together and away from others during this difficult time.

Distance Between The Funeral Home And Cemetery

Don't forget to think about travel logistics. In many cases, the funeral home and cemetery will be a short distance apart, but this won't always be the case. If there's a considerable distance between the two, it might be a lot to ask for those attending the funeral to also attend the burial. If there's no public transit between the two and you expect that a lot of people at the funeral will be traveling via public transit, it might be easier to just make the burial private for the ease of those who might wish to attend but struggle with getting there.

Contact a funeral home, like DiPonzio Funeral Home Inc, for more help.
