planning your future funeral today
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planning your future funeral today

Do you know what will happen to you if you were to suddenly pass away today? What would your family go through? How would they handle the news and get all of the arrangements made for your funeral? You can control the situation even after you pass away if you take the time to pre-plan your own funeral. More people are taking the initiative and making all of their own funeral arrangements years in advance. The purpose of my blog is to help those who want to plan their own funerals get through it quickly, easily and knowing that their investment is protected for the future.

planning your future funeral today

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Scheduling A Visitation In Advance Of A Funeral Service

Stacy Carpenter

Part of the task of funeral planning is to evaluate not only how the service will look, but also what elements you'll have in conjunction with this service. A visitation is a common element that many people have in advance of the funeral service. Sometimes, this event may be held in multiple time blocks a day before the service; in other cases, it will occur immediately before the service. There are several advantages and disadvantages for you to evaluate before you decide if a visitation will work for your surviving family members.


It Gives One-On-One Time With People

After a loved one dies, you'll want to rely upon the support of those around you to get you through this difficult period. A visitation is an effective way to get some one-on-one time, albeit briefly, with everyone who wishes to express their condolences to you and your family. With a traditional funeral service, it might be difficult to speak to every attendee, especially if hundreds of people are present. With a visitation, each attendee will get a few moments of time with you.

It Give Attendees A Choice

Lots of people will evaluate their relationship with you and the deceased person when they're deciding the role that they'll play in the funeral service. While people close to you will commonly attend the funeral service and the visitation, those who are only casual acquaintances will often just drop by the visitation. For example, if you lose a parent, some co-workers may attend the visitation, but not necessarily go to the funeral. The availability of the visitation thus makes it easier for those who will come to offer their condolences.


It Can Be Emotionally Exhausting

One of the emotional challenges of getting through funeral events is speaking to people. While they can be helpful for showing their support, people can also cause you to feel emotional — and some people may even say inappropriate things because they don't know how to react in this stressful situation. If the prospect of speaking individually to many people feels daunting to you, a visitation might not be best.

It's More Of A Time Investment

Ideally, you and your family members can spend time together to support each other after the death of a loved one. However, the reality is that you'll often have minimal spare time as you plan the funeral, manage the estate, and try to maintain some small semblance of your everyday lives. Scheduling a visitation takes up more of your time, which isn't something that everyone favors. For example, if you have two two-hour visitations the day before the funeral, this is a considerable amount of time that you'd otherwise have for other things.
