planning your future funeral today
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planning your future funeral today

Do you know what will happen to you if you were to suddenly pass away today? What would your family go through? How would they handle the news and get all of the arrangements made for your funeral? You can control the situation even after you pass away if you take the time to pre-plan your own funeral. More people are taking the initiative and making all of their own funeral arrangements years in advance. The purpose of my blog is to help those who want to plan their own funerals get through it quickly, easily and knowing that their investment is protected for the future.

planning your future funeral today

Basic Cremation Concerns Addressed

Stacy Carpenter

When a loved one has died, you will need to make arrangements for their body. This can be one of the least pleasant aspects of life, but it is essential to providing a deceased loved one with a respectful farewell. One possibility is choosing cremation . For those needing to address this issue, there are several considerations that you may want to review about having a body cremated.

Is It Necessary To Be Present During The Cremation Process?

There are many individuals that may find the process of cremation somewhat disturbing, but there are other individuals that may find viewing this process to be an important aspect of obtaining closure. Fortunately, it is not necessary for you to be present during this procedure, but there are many crematoriums that will allow you to be present if you wish.  As a result, it is possible to ensure that your needs are being met during this sensitive process. If you choose to be present for the cremation, you should make sure that you arrive several minutes early as the facility may not be able to delay the cremation process.

How Will You Transport The Remains After The Cremation Process?

After the cremation process is completed, you will be provided with a container that holds the remains of your loved one. This container is typically meant to be disposable and is intended to allow you to transport the remains to a permanent container or scatter them. If you want to avoid the need to place these remains in an urn, you should provide the desired urn to the crematorium before this procedure is done. The trained professionals at these facilities will be able to transfer these remains so that you can avoid this possibly unpleasant and emotionally stressful experience.

Is It Necessary To Pay For The Body To Be Embalmed Prior To Cremating It?

A key advantage of opting for cremation is that it will allow you to avoid many of the expenses that can be incurred by arranging for a traditional funeral. For example, it is necessary for a body that is being buried to be embalmed. However, it is not necessary for individuals who are being cremated to be embalmed, unless a viewing will be scheduled. In addition to helping to limit the chemicals that are introduced into the environment, avoiding the embalming process can also drastically reduce the costs of the ceremony, while still being respectful of your loved one's memory.

Before making any final decisions, visit a funeral home and discuss the cremation services, as well as other options, available so that you can make the right decision for your family.
