planning your future funeral today
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planning your future funeral today

Do you know what will happen to you if you were to suddenly pass away today? What would your family go through? How would they handle the news and get all of the arrangements made for your funeral? You can control the situation even after you pass away if you take the time to pre-plan your own funeral. More people are taking the initiative and making all of their own funeral arrangements years in advance. The purpose of my blog is to help those who want to plan their own funerals get through it quickly, easily and knowing that their investment is protected for the future.

planning your future funeral today

Three Notions About Cremation Services

Stacy Carpenter

When a person passes away, their survivors will be responsible for arranging the funeral and burial services. As individuals weigh their options for this important decision, they will need to avoid letting myths and misinformation about the burial options to influence their decision making. This misinformation can be particularly common when it comes to the options of cremation.

Myth: You Must Have A Full Ceremony For Your Loved One's Cremation

Holding a large funeral ceremony is one way that many people will want to come to terms with the loss of their loved one. However, these services can be very expensive, and many individuals may be unable to opt for this type of service. Unfortunately, it is frequently thought that individuals will have to hold a full funeral ceremony to utilize cremation. However, a full funeral ceremony is not necessary to utilize cremation services. In fact, it will be possible for you to simply arrange for the body to be delivered to the provider and they will return the remains to you after the cremation process has finished.

Myth: Cremation Services Will Take Much Longer Than Traditional Funerals

A common reason for individuals to decide against using cremation is a belief that it will take much longer to arrange than a traditional funeral. Often, this belief stems from the idea that the body will have to be transported a great distance due to limited availability of crematoriums. Yet, this is not the case as many of these providers will have the facilities to perform cremations on their property. In fact, cremation should not take any longer than a traditional funeral ceremony, and it may actually take less time to complete as the body will require less preparation.

Myth: You Can Release The Ashes Of Your Loved One Anywhere

A key benefit of being cremated is the ability to have the ashes scattered at emotionally important sites. Yet, there is a belief that ashes can be scattered anywhere. While there are often very few limits and regulations concerning the scattering of ashes, there are often some rules that must be followed. An example of these rules will be limits on scattering ashes near bodies of drinking water or historic and protected sites. Scattering ashes at these locations without following the appropriate procedures for requesting exemptions or obtaining permits can result in you facing potentially expensive fines or even jail time. Luckily, your funeral home will be able to provide you with an understanding about the local laws concerning scattering ashes for your local area.

Contact a service, like Morris Nilsen Funeral Chapel, for more help.
